Kubernetes Helm charts
Basic Requirements¶
- Helm 3.4.1+
- Kubernetes cluster 1.18+
- helm.comet.com credentials
- External MySQL 5.7+ database (Internal MySQL DB possible for testing)
- External S3 compatible bucket (Internal Minio Bucket Possible for testing)
Installation steps¶
Configure the Comet helm repository with provided credentials:
helm repo add comet-ml https://helm.comet.com/ --username your-user --password your-password
Query the available settings for the helm chart for reference.
helm show values comet-ml/comet-ml > default-values.yaml
less default-values.yaml
Download the example override-values.yaml to begin customizing your settings.
helm pull comet-ml/comet-ml -d /tmp && tar -x comet-ml/override-values.yaml -f /tmp/comet-ml-*.tgz -O > override-values.yaml && rm -f /tmp/comet-ml-*.tgz
vim override-values.yaml
At the bare minimum, you will still need to define these two values:
cometHost: "my-comet.my-company.com"
licenseKey: "<YOUR LICENSE KEY>"
Run helm install
helm install --namespace cometml --create-namespace -f override-values.yaml <COMET-RELEASE-NAME> comet-ml/comet-ml
Run the following command after making any changes or updates to values.yaml
helm upgrade --namespace cometml -f override-values.yaml <COMET-RELEASE-NAME> comet-ml/comet-ml
After a few minutes, your Comet installation can be accessed at https://<VALUE OF comet.cometHost>
In order to check if everything is running correctly, you can reach the following endpoints:
https://<VALUE OF comet.cometHost>/api/isAlive/ping
https://<VALUE OF comet.cometHost>/clientlib/isAlive/ping
https://<VALUE OF comet.cometHost>/optimizer/isAlive/ping
The Comet ML Helm Chart is configured with plenty of sane defaults which should allow for you to launch a basic installation of Comet on your Kubernetes Cluster very quickly and with minimal configuartion. The example override-values.yaml
file you downloaded above provides some hints about what sort of settings are commonly configured as part of a standard deployment.
Our default values.yaml
file explains in detail many different options for configuring how our Helm chart works, through extensive comments. However, a few important configuration options deserve special mention here.
Nginx Ingress¶
If using the ingress class nginx for the nginx ingress controller, specific ingress annotations are required to ensure proper functionality and optimal performance. These annotations are especially crucial for uploads from the SDK with large body payloads or have operations that may take a significant amount of time.
In your values.yaml
, add the following:
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-body-size: 2048m
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/client-body-buffer-size: 2048m
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-send-timeout: "3600"
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-read-timeout: "3600"
Sizing Defaults¶
We support some standard size defaults, which are defined at the end of the values.yaml
file under the deploySizes
key. Which size preset is used is selected by setting the size
key in your override-values.yaml
. By default the standard
preset is used, but others exist including mini
which is best for deploying a test instance on your local machine. While these presets set default values for various things such as Persisten Volume Claims and Replica Counts, you can still set your own value for any of these settings which will take precedence.
## Select the defaults to use for various deployment sizes.
## Valid values:
## standard
## (minimum recommended production size)
## mini
## (suitable for simple functionality testing)
## aggressiveMinimum
## (aggresively reserves the minimum system requirments)
size: standard
Internal Redis¶
For most production deployments of Comet we recommend using an external managed cache that is Redis-compatible (like Elasticache on AWS). However, either for smaller testing instances of Comet, or due to procurement limitations there may be a desire to run Redis within the Kubernetes Cluster as part of the Comet Helm release. This is supported, and turned on by default. To use an external Redis, configure the following:
enableInternalRedis: false
redisHost: "<your redis host>"
# redisPort: "6379" # This is the default.
redisToken: "<token>"
redisSSL: false
Additional configuration for the internal redis instance is done under the redisInternal
key. However the default configuration should be sufficient for most. See the default values.yaml
for more details.
Internal MySQL¶
Currently this should not be used for anything aside from light testing as the durability of the data cannot be guaranteed. However, by default the chart will install an instance and configure Comet to use it. To use an external MySQL database, configure the following:
enableInternalMysql: false
mysqlHost: "<Your MySQL Host>"
# mysqlPort: 3306 # This is the default.
mysqlUsername: "<Comet User>"
mysqlPassword: "<Comet User Password>"
mysqlRootPassword: "<Root Password>"
See Also¶
List of Useful kubectl
Get all resources from the cometml namespace (excluding CRDs)
kubectl -n cometml get all
Get all resources related to comet-ml (excluding CRDs)
kubectl get -A all -l app.kubernetes.io/part-of=comet-ml
Get pods list
kubectl get -n cometml pods -l app.kubernetes.io/part-of=comet-ml
See logs from a specific container:
kubectl -n cometml logs -f <container-id>
Restart all of cometml:
kubectl -n cometml rollout restart deployment -l app.kubernetes.io/part-of=comet-ml
kubectl -n cometml rollout restart statefulset -l app.kubernetes.io/part-of=comet-ml