Google Cloud KMS Integration
Google Cloud KMS IntegrationΒΆ
Comet backend application can store encrypted API keys in a S3/GCS Bucket so users can automate the API key retrieval.
- Backend application will store the encrypted keys in the same bucket as the application
- File will be in this format: {user-name}-token.encrypted
- You'll be required to create a GCP Service account with
Cloud KMS CryptoKey Encrypter/Decrypter
permission - Create a KMS Keyring Symmetric encrypt/decrypt
- With the service account key json file, you can set it like this
kubectl create secret generic kms-svs-account.json --from-file=kms-svsaccount.json=kms-svs-account.json
- Files with keys are created whenever backend generates a new API key or on demand by calling
In yout values.yaml
you can set:
# Service account key with KMS encrypt/decrypt permissions
serviceAccountSecretName: "kms-svs-account.json"
gcpServiceAccountFileEnabled: yes
gcpEnableKms: yes
gcloudKmsCryptoKey: "key-name"
gcloudKmsKeyRing: "test-ring"
# Project where KMS keys lives
gcloudProject: "onprem-test-214916"
- And this is a snippet on how to integrate with the SDK
[---[% import '' as gcp_kms_user_flow_integration %]---]
[---[ gcp_kms_user_flow_integration ]---]
[---[% import 'current_versions.j2' as current_versions %]---]
Service Accounts does not work with this GCP KMS integration in the current backend version [---[ current_versions.backend_version ]---]
Jul. 9, 2024