Chargeback reports
Chargeback reports are a JSON blob that will provide information such as
- List of users and its UI and SDK usage counts
- List of projects and its size consumption
- List of workspaces, its members and size consumption
Report output example¶
"reportDate": "2021-03",
"workspaces": [
"name": "workspace 1",
"numberOfMembers": 1,
"totalSizeInMb": 0.01,
"numberOfExperiments": 1,
"members": [
"userName": "some user",
"email": "",
"numberOfExperiments": 1,
"totalSizeInMb": 0.01
"projects": [
"name": "some project name",
"numberOfExperiments": 1,
"totalSizeInMb": 0.01
"users": {
"licensedUsers": [
"username": "some user",
"email": "",
"created_at": 1618908727532,
"uiUsageCount": 0,
"uiUsageUpdateTs": 0,
"sdkUsageCount": 0,
"sdkUsageUpdateTs": 0,
"suspended": false
"numberOfUsers": 1,
"createdAt": 1618908727587
Who can access this report?¶
- Comet organization admins can access this report by admin api
- You can also add admins programaticly via
Instructions for All In One / Linux installs¶
Chargeback reports are available by default from backend version 3.7.46 and above.
For older versions you need to have CHARGEBACK_USAGE_REPORT_ENABLED
set to True
in your server application configuration.
If you have an all in one install, you can run cometctl aio update-config
and add/append this configuration.
Here is an example of how to add that:
echo "CHARGEBACK_USAGE_REPORT_ENABLED='True'" >> /etc/default/comet-ml
# Restart the application
cometctl aio restart-services
Instructions for Kubernetes / Helm¶
Chargeback reports are available by default from backend version 3.7.46 and above.
For older versions update your local values.yaml
enable the following variable:
chargebackUsageReportEnabled: true
kubectl rollout restart deploy comet-ml-backend-react
Retrieving chargeback usage reports¶
With the user that already have Admin permissions, you can get your API Key following this
See the following curl example on how to pull chargeback usage report. Just replace with your actual host, API key and date in the YYYY-MM
You can retrieve the report by running
curl 'https://comet-host/api/admin/chargeback/report?reportMonth=2023-11' -H 'Authorization: adminApiKey' -o /tmp/chargeback_reports.json
as you wish.