Existing Experiment allows you to report information to an experiment that already exists on comet.com and is not currently running. This is useful when your training and testing happen on different scripts.
For example:
exp = Experiment(api_key="my-key")
score = train_model()
exp.log_metric("train accuracy", score)
Now obtain the experiment key from comet.com. If it's not visible on your experiment table you can click Customize
and add it as a column.
exp = ExistingExperiment(api_key="my-key",
previous_experiment="your experiment key from comet.com")
score = test_model()
exp.log_metric("test accuracy", score)
Alternatively, you can pass the api_key via an environment variable named COMET_API_KEY
and the previous experiment id via an environment variable named COMET_EXPERIMENT_KEY
and omit them from the ExistingExperiment constructor:
exp = ExistingExperiment()
score = test_model()
exp.log_metric("test accuracy", score)
__init__(api_key=None, previous_experiment=None, **kwargs)
Append to an existing experiment on the Comet.ml frontend.
- api_key: Your API key obtained from comet.com
- previous_experiment: Deprecated. Use
instead. - project_name: Optional. Send your experiment to a specific project. Otherwise will be sent to
Uncategorized Experiments
. If project name does not already exists Comet.ml will create a new project. - workspace: Optional. Attach an experiment to a project that belongs to this workspace
- log_code: Default(False) - allows you to enable/disable code logging
- log_graph: Default(False) - allows you to enable/disable automatic computation graph logging.
- auto_param_logging: Default(True) - allows you to enable/disable hyper parameters logging
- auto_metric_logging: Default(True) - allows you to enable/disable metrics logging
- auto_metric_step_rate: Default(10) - controls how often batch metrics are logged
- auto_histogram_tensorboard_logging: Default(False) - allows you to enable/disable automatic tensorboard histogram logging
- auto_histogram_epoch_rate: Default(1) - controls how often histograms are logged
- auto_histogram_weight_logging: Default(False) - allows you to enable/disable automatic histogram logging of biases and weights
- auto_histogram_gradient_logging: Default(False) - allows you to enable/disable automatic histogram logging of gradients
- auto_histogram_activation_logging: Default(False) - allows you to enable/disable automatic histogram logging of activations
- auto_output_logging: Default("default") - allows you to select which output logging mode to use. You can pass
which will log all output even when it originated from a C native library. You can also pass"simple"
which will work only for output made by Python code. If you want to disable automatic output logging, you can passFalse
. The default is"default"
which will detect your environment and deactivate the output logging for IPython and Jupyter environment and sets"native"
in the other cases. - auto_log_co2: Default(True) - automatically tracks the CO2 emission of this experiment if
package is installed in the environment - parse_args: Default(False) - allows you to enable/disable automatic parsing of CLI arguments
- log_env_details: Default(False) - log various environment information in order to identify where the script is running
- log_env_gpu: Default(False) - allow you to enable/disable the automatic collection of gpu details and metrics (utilization, memory usage etc..).
must also be true. - log_env_cpu: Default(False) - allow you to enable/disable the automatic collection of cpu details and metrics (utilization, memory usage etc..).
must also be true. - log_env_network: Default(False) - allow you to enable/disable the automatic collection of network details and metrics (sent, receive rates, etc..).
must also be true. - log_env_disk: Default(False) - allow you to enable/disable the automatic collection of disk utilization metrics (usage, IO rates, etc.).
must also be true. - log_env_host: Default(False) - allow you to enable/disable the automatic collection of host information (ip, hostname, python version, user etc...).
must also be true. - log_git_metadata: Default(False) - allow you to enable/disable the automatic collection of git details
- log_git_patch: Default(False) - allow you to enable/disable the automatic collection of git patch
- display_summary_level: Default(1) - control the summary detail that is displayed on the console at end of experiment. If 0, the summary notification is still sent. Valid values are 0 to 2.
- disabled: Default(False) - allows you to disable all network communication with the Comet.ml backend. It is useful when you just needs to works on your machine-learning scripts and need to relaunch them several times at a time.
- experiment_key: Optional. Your experiment key from comet.com, could be set through configuration as well.
Note: ExistingExperiment does not alter nor destroy previously logged information. To override or add to previous information you will have to set the appropriate following parameters to True:
- log_code
- log_graph
- parse_args
- log_env_details
- log_git_metadata
- log_git_patch
- log_env_gpu
- log_env_cpu
- log_env_host
For example, to continue to collect GPU information in an ExistingExperiment
you will need to override these parameters:
>>> experiment = ExistingExperiment(
... log_env_details=True,
... log_env_gpu=True)
add_tag(tag: str) -> None
Add a tag to the experiment. Tags will be shown in the dashboard.
- tag: String. A tag to add to the experiment.
add_tags(tags: List[str]) -> None
Add several tags to the experiment. Tags will be shown in the dashboard.
- tags: List
. Tags list to add to the experiment.
Clean the experiment loggers, useful in case you want to debug your scripts with IPDB.
A context manager to mark the beginning and the end of the training phase. This allows you to provide a namespace for metrics/params. For example:
experiment = Experiment(api_key="MY_API_KEY")
with experiment.context_manager("validation"):
model.fit(x_train, y_train)
accuracy = compute_accuracy(model.predict(x_validate), y_validate)
# returns the validation accuracy
experiment.log_metric("accuracy", accuracy)
# this will be logged as validation_accuracy based on the context.
create_confusion_matrix(y_true=None, y_predicted=None, labels=None,
matrix=None, title="Confusion Matrix", row_label="Actual Category",
column_label="Predicted Category", max_examples_per_cell=25,
max_categories=25, winner_function=None,
index_to_example_function=None, cache=True, selected=None, images=None,
Create a confusion matrix for use over multiple epochs.
- y_true: (optional) list of vectors representing the targets, or a list of integers representing the correct label. If not provided, then matrix may be provided.
- y_predicted: (optional) list of vectors representing predicted values, or a list of integers representing the output. If not provided, then matrix may be provided.
- images: (optional) a list of data that can be passed to Experiment.log_image()
- labels: (optional) a list of strings that name of the columns and rows, in order. By default, it will be "0" through the number of categories (e.g., rows/columns).
- matrix: (optional) the confusion matrix (list of lists). Must be square, if given. If not given, then it is possible to provide y_true and y_predicted.
- title: (optional) a custom name to be displayed. By default, it is "Confusion Matrix".
- row_label: (optional) label for rows. By default, it is "Actual Category".
- column_label: (optional) label for columns. By default, it is "Predicted Category".
- max_example_per_cell: (optional) maximum number of examples per cell. By default, it is 25.
- max_categories: (optional) max number of columns and rows to use. By default, it is 25.
- winner_function: (optional) a function that takes in an entire list of rows of patterns, and returns the winning category for each row. By default, it is argmax.
- index_to_example_function: (optional) a function that takes an index and returns either a number, a string, a URL, or a {"sample": str, "assetId": str} dictionary. See below for more info. By default, the function returns a number representing the index of the example.
- cache: (optional) should the results of index_to_example_function be cached and reused? By default, cache is True.
- selected: (optional) None, or list of selected category indices. These are the rows/columns that will be shown. By default, select is None. If the number of categories is greater than max_categories, and selected is not provided, then selected will be computed automatically by selecting the most confused categories.
- kwargs: (optional) any extra keywords and their values will be passed onto the index_to_example_function.
- file_name: (optional) logging option, by default is "confusion-matrix.json",
- overwrite: (optional) logging option, by default is False
- step: (optional) logging option, by default is None
- epoch: (optional) logging option, by default is None
See the executable Jupyter Notebook tutorial at Comet Confusion Matrix.
Uses winner_function to compute winning categories for y_true and y_predicted, if they are vectors.
>>> experiment = Experiment()
# If you have a y_true and y_predicted:
>>> y_predicted = model.predict(x_test)
>>> experiment.log_confusion_matrix(y_true, y_predicted)
# Or, if you have already computed the matrix:
>>> experiment.log_confusion_matrix(labels=["one", "two", "three"],
matrix=[[10, 0, 0],
[ 0, 9, 1],
[ 1, 1, 8]])
# Or, if you have the categories for y_true or y_predicted
# you can just pass those in:
>>> experiment.log_confusion_matrix([0, 1, 2, 3],
[2, 2, 2, 2]) # guesses 2 for all
# However, if you want to reuse examples from previous runs,
# you can reuse a Confusion Matrix instance.
>>> cm = experiment.create_confusion_matrix()
>>> y_predicted = model.predict(x_test)
>>> cm.compute_matrix(y_true, y_predicted)
>>> experiment.log_confusion_matrix(matrix=cm)
# Log again, using previously cached values:
>>> y_predicted = model.predict(x_test)
>>> cm.compute_matrix(y_true, y_predicted)
>>> experiment.log_confusion_matrix(matrix=cm)
For more details and example uses, please see: https://www.comet.com/docs/python-sdk/Comet-Confusion-Matrix/
Also, for more low-level information, see comet_ml.utils.ConfusionMatrix
create_embedding_image(image_data, image_size,
image_preprocess_function=None, image_transparent_color=None,
Create an embedding image (a sprite sheet). Returns the image and the url to the image.
- image_data: list of arrays or Images
- image_size: the size of each image
- image_preprocess_function: (optional) if image_data is an array, apply this function to each element first
- image_transparent_color: a (red, green, blue) tuple
- image_background_color_function: a function that takes an index, and returns a (red, green, blue) color tuple
Returns: image and url
>>> def label_to_color(index):
... label = labels[index]
... if label == 0:
... return (255, 0, 0)
... elif label == 1:
... return (0, 255, 0)
... elif label == 2:
... return (0, 0, 255)
... elif label == 3:
... return (255, 255, 0)
... elif label == 4:
... return (0, 255, 255)
... elif label == 5:
... return (128, 128, 0)
... elif label == 6:
... return (0, 128, 128)
... elif label == 7:
... return (128, 0, 128)
... elif label == 8:
... return (255, 0, 255)
... elif label == 9:
... return (255, 255, 255)
>>> image, image_url = experiment.create_embedding_image(inputs,
... image_preprocess_function=lambda matrix: np.round(matrix/255,0) * 2,
... image_transparent_color=(0, 0, 0),
... image_size=(28, 28),
... image_background_color_function=label_to_color)
create_symlink(project_name: str) -> None
creates a symlink for this experiment in another project. The experiment will now be displayed in the project provided and the original project.
- project_name: String. represents the project name. Project must exist.
Disabling the auto-collection of metrics and monkey-patching of the Machine Learning frameworks.
display(clear=False, wait=True, new=0, autoraise=True, tab=None)
Show the Comet.ml experiment page in an IFrame in a Jupyter notebook or Jupyter lab, OR open a browser window or tab.
Common Args: tab: name of the Tab on Experiment View
Note: the Tab name should be one of: * "artifacts" * "assets" * "audio" * "charts" * "code" * "confusion-matrices" * "histograms" * "images" * "installed-packages" * "metrics" * "notes" * "parameters" * "system-metrics" * "text"
For Jupyter environments:
- clear: to clear the output area, use clear=True
- wait: to wait for the next displayed item, use wait=True (cuts down on flashing)
For non-Jupyter environments:
- new: open a new browser window if new=1, otherwise re-use existing window/tab
- autoraise: make the browser tab/window active
display_project(view_id=None, clear=False, wait=True, new=0, autoraise=True)
Show the Comet.ml project page in an IFrame in a Jupyter notebook or Jupyter lab, OR open a browser window or tab.
Common Args: view_id: (optional, string) the id of the view to show
For Jupyter environments:
- clear: to clear the output area, use clear=True
- wait: to wait for the next displayed item, use wait=True (cuts down on flashing)
For non-Jupyter environments:
- new: open a new browser window if new=1, otherwise re-use existing window/tab
- autoraise: make the browser tab/window active
Use to indicate that the experiment is complete.
flush() -> bool
Used to flush all pending data to the Comet server. It works similar to .end() but without ending the run. This is a blocking operation that will wait for all the data logged so far to be delivered to the Comet server.
.flush() method returns a Boolean True or False indicating whether the flush was successful or not
get_artifact(artifact_name: str, workspace: Optional[str] = None,
version_or_alias: Optional[str] = None) -> LoggedArtifact
Returns a logged artifact object that can be used to access the artifact version assets and download them locally.
If no version or alias is provided, the latest version for that artifact is returned.
- artifact_name: Retrieve an artifact with that name. This could either be a fully qualified artifact name like
or just the name of the artifact likeartifact-name
. - workspace: Retrieve an artifact belonging to that workspace
- version_or_alias: Optional. Retrieve the artifact by the given alias or version.
Returns: the LoggedArtifact For example:
logged_artifact = experiment.get_artifact("workspace/artifact-name:version_or_alias")
Which is equivalent to:
logged_artifact = experiment.get_artifact(
get_callback(framework, *args, **kwargs)
Get a callback for a particular framework.
When framework == 'keras' then return an instance of Comet.ml's Keras callback.
When framework == 'tf-keras' then return an instance of Comet.ml's TensorflowKeras callback.
When framework == "tf-estimator-train" then return an instance of Comet.ml's Tensorflow Estimator Train callback.
When framework == "xgboost" then return an instance of Comet.ml's xgboost.callback.TrainingCallback implementation
When framework == "fastai" then return an instance of Comet.ml's fastai.learner.Callback implementation.
The keras callbacks are added to your Keras model.fit()
callbacks list automatically to report model training metrics to Comet.ml so you do not need to add them manually.
The lightgbm callback is added to the lightgbm.train()
callbacks list automatically to report model training metrics to Comet.ml so you do not need to add it manually.
This method is deprecated. See Experiment.get_callback("keras")
Returns the experiment key, useful for using with the ExistingExperiment class Returns: Experiment Key (String)
get_metric(name: str) -> Any
Get a metric from those logged.
- name: str, the name of the metric to get
get_name() -> str
Get the name of the experiment, if one.
>>> experiment.set_name("My Name")
>>> experiment.get_name()
'My Name'
get_other(name: str) -> Any
Get an other from those logged.
- name: str, the name of the other to get
get_parameter(name: str) -> Any
Get a parameter that was logged previously in this Experiment/ExistingExperiment instance.
- name: str, the name of the parameter to get
get_tags() -> List[str]
Return the tags of this experiment. Returns: list
log_artifact(artifact: Artifact) -> LoggedArtifact
Log an Artifact object, synchronously create a new Artifact Version and upload asynchronously all local and remote assets attached to the Artifact object.
- artifact: an Artifact object
Returns: a LoggedArtifact
log_asset(file_data, file_name=None, overwrite=False, copy_to_tmp=True,
step=None, metadata=None)
Logs the Asset determined by file_data.
- file_data: String or File-like - either the file path of the file you want to log, or a file-like asset.
- file_name: String - Optional. A custom file name to be displayed. If not provided the filename from the
argument will be used. - overwrite: if True will overwrite all existing assets with the same name.
Deprecated - Iffile_data
is a file-like object, then this flag determines if the file is first copied to a temporary file before upload. Ifcopy_to_tmp
is False, then it is sent directly to the cloud.- step: Optional. Used to associate the asset to a specific step.
- metadata: Optional. Some additional data to attach to the the audio asset. Must be a JSON-encodable dict.
>>> experiment.log_asset("model1.h5")
>>> fp = open("model2.h5", "rb")
>>> experiment.log_asset(fp,
... file_name="model2.h5")
>>> fp.close()
>>> fp = open("model3.h5", "rb")
>>> experiment.log_asset(fp,
... file_name="model3.h5",
... copy_to_tmp=False)
>>> fp.close()
log_asset_data(data, name=None, overwrite=False, step=None, metadata=None,
file_name=None, epoch=None)
Logs the data given (str, binary, or JSON).
- data: data to be saved as asset
- name: String, optional. A custom file name to be displayed If not provided the filename from the temporary saved file will be used.
- overwrite: Boolean, optional. Default False. If True will overwrite all existing assets with the same name.
- step: Optional. Used to associate the asset to a specific step.
- epoch: Optional. Used to associate the asset to a specific epoch.
- metadata: Optional. Some additional data to attach to the the asset data. Must be a JSON-encodable dict.
See also: APIExperiment.get_asset_list()
, APIExperiment.get_asset()
, and APIExperiment.get_asset_by_name()
log_asset_folder(folder, step=None, log_file_name=None, recursive=False)
Logs all the files located in the given folder as assets.
- folder: String - the path to the folder you want to log.
- step: Optional. Used to associate the asset to a specific step.
- log_file_name: Optional. if True, log the file path with each file.
- recursive: Optional. if True, recurse folder and save file names.
If log_file_name is set to True, each file in the given folder will be logged with the following name schema: FOLDER_NAME/RELPATH_INSIDE_FOLDER
is the basename of the given folder and RELPATH_INSIDE_FOLDER
is the file path relative to the folder itself.
log_audio(audio_data, sample_rate=None, file_name=None, metadata=None,
overwrite=False, copy_to_tmp=True, step=None)
Logs the audio Asset determined by audio data.
- audio_data: String or a numpy array - either the file path of the file you want to log, or a numpy array given to
for wav conversion. - sample_rate: Integer - Optional. The sampling rate given to
for creating the wav file. - file_name: String - Optional. A custom file name to be displayed. If not provided, the filename from the
argument will be used. - metadata: Some additional data to attach to the audio asset. Must be a JSON-encodable dict.
- overwrite: if True will overwrite all existing assets with the same name.
Deprecated - Ifaudio_data
is a numpy array, then this flag determines if the WAV file is first copied to a temporary file before upload. Ifcopy_to_tmp
is False, then it is sent directly to the cloud.- step: Optional. Used to associate the audio asset to a specific step.
log_code(file_name=None, folder=None, code=None, code_name=None,
Logs additional source code files. This method allows logging code in different ways:
- Without parameters, logs the code from the file calling this method.
- With
, logs the code from the specified file. - Using
, logs all files' code in that folder. - Using
, logs the content as source code.
str, optional - File path to log.folder
str, optional - Folder path where the code files are stored.code
str, optional - Source code, either as text or a file-like object (such as StringIO). If passed,code_name
is mandatory.code_name
str, optional - Name of the source code file.overwrite
bool, optional - If True, overwrites existing code with the same name.
>>> experiment.log_code() # Logs code from the file using this method.
>>> experiment.log_code(file_name="dataset.py") # Logs code from the file 'dataset.py'.
>>> experiment.log_code(folder="training/") # Logs all files code in the 'training/' folder.
>>> experiment.log_code(code=DYNAMIC_CODE_SOURCE, code_name="user_training_code.py") # Logs any other code.
log_confusion_matrix(y_true=None, y_predicted=None, matrix=None, labels=None,
title="Confusion Matrix", row_label="Actual Category",
column_label="Predicted Category", max_examples_per_cell=25,
max_categories=25, winner_function=None,
index_to_example_function=None, cache=True,
file_name="confusion-matrix.json", overwrite=False, step=None,
epoch=None, images=None, selected=None, **kwargs)
Logs a confusion matrix.
- y_true: (optional) list of vectors representing the targets, or a list of integers representing the correct label. If not provided, then matrix may be provided.
- y_predicted: (optional) list of vectors representing predicted values, or a list of integers representing the output. If not provided, then matrix may be provided.
- images: (optional) a list of data that can be passed to Experiment.log_image().
- labels: (optional) a list of strings that name of the columns and rows, in order. By default, it will be "0" through the number of categories (e.g., rows/columns).
- matrix: (optional) the confusion matrix (list of lists). Must be square, if given. If not given, then it is possible to provide y_true and y_predicted.
- title: (optional) a custom name to be displayed. By default, it is "Confusion Matrix".
- row_label: (optional) label for rows. By default, it is "Actual Category".
- column_label: (optional) label for columns. By default, it is "Predicted Category".
- max_examples_per_cell: (optional) maximum number of examples per cell. By default, it is 25.
- max_categories: (optional) max number of columns and rows to use. By default, it is 25.
- winner_function: (optional) a function that takes in an entire list of rows of patterns, and returns the winning category for each row. By default, it is argmax.
- index_to_example_function: (optional) a function that takes an index and returns either a number, a string, a URL, or a {"sample": str, "assetId": str} dictionary. See below for more info. By default, the function returns a number representing the index of the example.
- cache: (optional) should the results of index_to_example_function be cached and reused? By default, cache is True.
- selected: (optional) None, or list of selected category indices. These are the rows/columns that will be shown. By default, select is None. If the number of categories is greater than max_categories, and selected is not provided, then selected will be computed automatically by selecting the most confused categories.
- kwargs: (optional) any extra keywords and their values will be passed onto the index_to_example_function.
- file_name: (optional) logging option, by default is "confusion-matrix.json",
- overwrite: (optional) logging option, by default is False
- step: (optional) logging option, by default is None
- epoch: (optional) logging option, by default is None
See the executable Jupyter Notebook tutorial at Comet Confusion Matrix.
Uses winner_function to compute winning categories for y_true and y_predicted, if they are vectors.
>>> experiment = Experiment()
# If you have a y_true and y_predicted:
>>> y_predicted = model.predict(x_test)
>>> experiment.log_confusion_matrix(y_true, y_predicted)
# Or, if you have already computed the matrix:
>>> experiment.log_confusion_matrix(labels=["one", "two", "three"],
matrix=[[10, 0, 0],
[ 0, 9, 1],
[ 1, 1, 8]])
# Or, if you have the categories for y_true or y_predicted
# you can just pass those in:
>>> experiment.log_confusion_matrix([0, 1, 2, 3],
[2, 2, 2, 2]) # guesses 2 for all
# However, if you want to reuse examples from previous runs,
# you can reuse a ConfusionMatrix instance.
>>> from comet_ml import ConfusionMatrix
>>> cm = ConfusionMatrix()
>>> y_predicted = model.predict(x_test)
>>> cm.compute_matrix(y_true, y_predicted)
>>> experiment.log_confusion_matrix(matrix=cm)
# Log again, using previously cached values:
>>> y_predicted = model.predict(x_test)
>>> cm.compute_matrix(y_true, y_predicted)
>>> experiment.log_confusion_matrix(matrix=cm)
For more details and example uses, please see: https://www.comet.com/docs/python-sdk/Comet-Confusion-Matrix/
Also, for more low-level information, see comet_ml.utils.ConfusionMatrix
log_curve(name, x, y, overwrite=False, step=None)
Log timeseries data.
- name: (str) name of data
- x: list of x-axis values
- y: list of y-axis values
- overwrite: (optional, bool) if True, overwrite previous log
- step: (optional, int) the step value
>>> experiment.log_curve("my curve", x=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
y=[10, 20, 30, 40, 50])
>>> experiment.log_curve("my curve", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
[10, 20, 30, 40, 50])
log_dataframe_profile(dataframe: Any, name: Optional[str] = "dataframe",
minimal: bool = False, log_raw_dataframe: bool = True,
dataframe_format: str = "json",
**format_kwargs: Any) -> Optional[Dict[str, Optional[Dict[str,
Log a pandas DataFrame profile as an asset. Optionally, can also log the dataframe.
- dataframe: the dataframe to profile and/or log
- name (optional, default "dataframe"): the basename (without extension) of the dataframe assets
- minimal (optional, default False): if True, create a minimal profile. Useful for large datasets.
- log_raw_dataframe: (optional, default True), log the dataframe as an asset (same as calling
) - dataframe_format: (optional, default "json"), the format for optionally logging the dataframe.
- format_kwargs: (optional), keyword args for dataframe logging as an asset.
>>> from comet_ml import Experiment
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> experiment = Experiment()
>>> df = pd.read_csv("https://data.nasa.gov/api/views/gh4g-9sfh/rows.csv?accessType=DOWNLOAD",
... parse_dates=['year'], encoding='UTF-8')
>>> experiment.log_dataframe_profile(df)
See also: Experiment.log_table(pandas_dataframe)
Used to log the hash of the provided object. This is a best-effort hash computation which is based on the md5 hash of the underlying string representation of the object data. Developers are encouraged to implement their own hash computation that's tailored to their underlying data source. That could be reported as experiment.log_parameter("dataset_hash", your_hash)
data: Any object that when casted to string (e.g str(data)) returns a value that represents the underlying data.
log_dataset_info(name: Optional[str] = None,
version: Optional[str] = None, path: Optional[str] = None) -> None
Used to log information about your dataset.
- name: Optional string representing the name of the dataset.
- version: Optional string representing a version identifier.
- path: Optional string that represents the path to the dataset. Potential values could be a file system path, S3 path or Database query.
At least one argument should be included. The logged values will show on the Other
log_dependency(name, version)
Reports name,version to the Installed Packages
tab on Comet.ml. Useful to track dependencies.
- name: Any type of key (str,int,float..)
- version: Any type of value (str,int,float..)
Returns: None
log_embedding(vectors, labels, image_data=None, image_size=None,
image_preprocess_function=None, image_transparent_color=None,
image_background_color_function=None, title="Comet Embedding",
template_filename=None, group=None)
Log a multi-dimensional dataset and metadata for viewing with Comet's Embedding Projector (experimental).
- vectors: the tensors to visualize in 3D
- labels: labels for each tensor
- image_data: (optional) list of arrays or Images
- image_size: (optional, required if image_data is given) the size of each image
- image_preprocess_function: (optional) if image_data is an array, apply this function to each element first
- image_transparent_color: a (red, green, blue) tuple
- image_background_color_function: a function that takes an index, and returns a (red, green, blue) color tuple
- title: (optional) name of tensor
- template_filename: (optional) name of template JSON file
- group: (optional) name of group of embeddings
See also: Experiment._log_embedding_list()
and comet_ml.Embedding
from comet_ml import Experiment
import numpy as np
from keras.datasets import mnist
(x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data()
def label_to_color(index):
label = y_test[index]
if label == 0:
return (255, 0, 0)
elif label == 1:
return (0, 255, 0)
elif label == 2:
return (0, 0, 255)
elif label == 3:
return (255, 255, 0)
elif label == 4:
return (0, 255, 255)
elif label == 5:
return (128, 128, 0)
elif label == 6:
return (0, 128, 128)
elif label == 7:
return (128, 0, 128)
elif label == 8:
return (255, 0, 255)
elif label == 9:
return (255, 255, 255)
experiment = Experiment(project_name="projector-embedding")
image_preprocess_function=lambda matrix: np.round(matrix/255,0) * 2,
image_transparent_color=(0, 0, 0),
image_size=(28, 28),
log_epoch_end(epoch_cnt, step=None)
Logs that the epoch finished. Required for progress bars.
- epoch_cnt: integer
- step: integer
Returns: None
log_figure(figure_name=None, figure=None, overwrite=False, step=None)
Log a visual representation of the provided figure to Comet in SVG format.
- figure_name: str (optional), A descriptive name for the figure. Defaults to None.
- figure: object (optional), The figure to be logged. Accepts Plotly Figures, Matplotlib Figures, or Seaborn simple plots. If not provided, the function will log the current global Matplotlib Pyplot figure. Defaults to None.
- overwrite: bool (optional), Determines whether to overwrite an existing figure with the same name. Defaults to False.
- step: int (optional), Associates the figure asset with a specific step in the Comet experiment. Defaults to None.
log_histogram_3d(values, name=None, step=None, epoch=None, metadata=None,
Logs a histogram of values for a 3D chart as an asset for this experiment. Calling this method multiple times with the same name and incremented steps will add additional histograms to the 3D chart on Comet.ml.
- values: a list, tuple, array (any shape) to summarize, or a Histogram object
- name: str (optional), name of summary
- step: Required. Used as the Z axis when plotting on Comet.ml.
- epoch: Optional. Used as the Z axis when plotting on Comet.ml.
- metadata: Optional: Used for items like prefix for histogram name.
- kwargs: Optional. Additional keyword arguments for histogram.
This method requires that step is either given here, or has been set elsewhere. For example, if you are using an auto- logger that sets step then you don't need to set it here.
log_html(html, clear=False)
Reports any HTML blob to the HTML
tab on Comet.ml. Useful for creating your own rich reports. The HTML will be rendered as an Iframe. Inline CSS/JS supported.
- html: Any html string. for example:
- clear: Default to False. when setting clear=True it will remove all previous html.
experiment.log_html('<a href="www.comet.com"> I love Comet</a>')
Returns: None
log_html_url(url, text=None, label=None)
Easy to use method to add a link to a URL in the HTML
tab on Comet.ml.
- url: a link to a file or notebook, for example
- text: text to use a clickable word or phrase (optional; uses url if not given)
- label: text that precedes the link
>>> experiment.log_html_url("https://my-company.com/file.txt")
Adds html similar to:
<a href="https://my-company.com/file.txt">
>>> experiment.log_html_url("https://my-company.com/file.txt",
Adds html similar to:
<a href="https://my-company.com/file.txt">File</a>
>>> experiment.log_html_url("https://my-company.com/file.txt",
"File", "Label")
Adds html similar to:
Label: <a href="https://my-company.com/file.txt">File</a>
log_image(image_data: Any, name: Optional[str] = None,
overwrite: bool = False, image_format: str = "png",
image_scale: float = 1.0, image_shape: Optional[Tuple[int,
int]] = None, image_colormap: Optional[str] = None,
image_minmax: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None,
image_channels: str = "last", copy_to_tmp: bool = True,
step: Optional[int] = None, annotations: Optional[List[Dict[str,
Any]]] = None, metadata: Optional[Dict[str,
Any]] = None) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]
Logs the image. Images are displayed on the Graphics tab on Comet.ml.
image_data: Required. image_data is one of the following:
a path (string) to an image
a file-like object containing an image
a numpy matrix
a TensorFlow tensor
a PyTorch tensor
a list or tuple of values
a PIL Image
name: String - Optional. A custom name to be displayed on the dashboard. If not provided the filename from the
argument will be used if it is a path.- overwrite: Optional. Boolean - If another image with the same name exists, it will be overwritten if overwrite is set to True.
- image_format: Optional. String. Default: 'png'. If the image_data is actually something that can be turned into an image, this is the format used. Typical values include 'png' and 'jpg'.
- image_scale: Optional. Float. Default: 1.0. If the image_data is actually something that can be turned into an image, this will be the new scale of the image.
- image_shape: Optional. Tuple. Default: None. If the image_data is actually something that can be turned into an image, this is the new shape of the array. Dimensions are (width, height) or (width, height, colors) where
is 3 (RGB) or 1 (grayscale). - image_colormap: Optional. String. If the image_data is actually something that can be turned into an image, this is the colormap used to colorize the matrix.
- image_minmax: Optional. (Number, Number). If the image_data is actually something that can be turned into an image, this is the (min, max) used to scale the values. Otherwise, the image is autoscaled between (array.min, array.max).
- image_channels: Optional. Default 'last'. If the image_data is actually something that can be turned into an image, this is the setting that indicates where the color information is in the format of the 2D data. 'last' indicates that the data is in (rows, columns, channels) where 'first' indicates (channels, rows, columns).
Deprecated - Ifimage_data
is not a file path, then this flag determines if the image is first copied to a temporary file before upload. Ifcopy_to_tmp
is False, then it is sent directly to the cloud.- step: Optional. Used to associate the image asset to a specific step.
- annotations: Optional. Annotations contains a list of annotation layers, where each layer contains {"name": layer_name, "data": list_of_annotations}. Each annotation can support bounding boxes, regions or both. annotations = [ { "name": "Predictions", "data": [ { "boxes": [[x, y, w, h]], "points": [[x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 ...], ...], "label": // (str, required), "score": // (number, may be None) "id": // (str, optional), "metadata": {}, } ] } ]
- metadata: Optional. Additional metadata to be associated with logged image.
log_metric(name, value, step=None, epoch=None, include_context=True)
Logs a general metric (i.e accuracy, f1).
y_pred_train = model.predict(X_train)
acc = compute_accuracy(y_pred_train, y_train)
experiment.log_metric("accuracy", acc)
See also log_metrics
- name: String - name of your metric
- value: Float/Integer
- step: Optional. Used as the X axis when plotting on comet.com
- epoch: Optional. Used as the X axis when plotting on comet.com
- include_context: Optional. If set to True (the default), the current context will be logged along the metric.
Returns: None
Down sampling metrics: Comet guarantees to store 15,000 data points for each metric. If more than 15,000 data points are reported we perform a form of reservoir sub sampling - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reservoir_sampling.
log_metrics(dic: Dict[str, Any], prefix: Optional[str] = None,
step: Optional[int] = None, epoch: Optional[int] = None)
Logs a key,value dictionary of metrics. See also log_metric
log_model(name, file_or_folder, file_name=None, overwrite=False, metadata=None,
copy_to_tmp=True, prepend_folder_name=True)
Logs the model data under the name. Data can be a file path, a folder path or a file-like object.
- name: string (required), the name of the model
- file_or_folder: the model data (required); can be a file path, a folder path or a file-like object.
- file_name: (optional) the name of the model data. Used with file-like objects or files only.
- overwrite: boolean, if True, then overwrite previous versions Does not apply to folders.
- metadata: Some additional data to attach to the the data. Must be a JSON-encodable dict.
Deprecated - for file name or file-like; if True copy to temporary location before uploading; if False, then upload from current location- prepend_folder_name: boolean, default True. If True and logging a folder, prepend file path by the folder name.
Returns: dictionary of model URLs
log_notebook(filename, overwrite=False)
Log a Jupyter Notebook file as an asset.
- filename: (str) the path and name of notebook
- overwrite: (optional, bool) if True, overwrite previous notebook
>>> experiment = Experiment()
# Save the notebook, if currently editing the notebook
>>> experiment.log_notebook("~/Untitled2394.ipynb")
log_optimization(optimization_id: Optional[str] = None,
metric_name: Optional[str] = None, metric_value: Any = None,
parameters: Optional[Dict] = None,
objective: Optional[str] = None) -> None
Logs an existing optimization result.
- optimization_id: String - The id of the optimization result.
- metric_name: String - name of your metric
- metric_value: Float/Integer - The value of the given metric.
- parameters: Optional Dict - Additional parametrs to be logged.
- objective: Optional. The objective of the optimization, could be either maximum/minimum.
Returns: None
log_other(key, value)
Reports a key and value to the Other
tab on Comet.ml. Useful for reporting datasets attributes, datasets path, unique identifiers etc.
See related methods: log_parameter
and log_metric
metadata can also be defined as environment variables. All environment variables that starts with COMET_LOG_OTHER_
will be logged automatically to the Experiment.
- key: Any type of key (str,int,float..)
- value: Any type of value (str,int,float..)
Returns: None
Reports dictionary of key/values to the Other
tab on Comet.ml. Useful for reporting datasets attributes, datasets path, unique identifiers etc.
See log_other
- key: dict of key/values where value is Any type of value (str,int,float..)
Returns: None
log_parameter(name, value, step=None)
Logs a single hyperparameter. For additional values that are not hyper parameters it's encouraged to use log_other.
See also log_parameters
If the same key is reported multiple times only the last reported value will be saved.
If this method is called inside a context, like test
, train
, validate
or context_manager
, the parameter will be stored with the current context name as a prefix.
For example, the following code:
experiment = Experiment(api_key="MY_API_KEY")
with experiment.train():
experiment.log_parameter("batch_size", 64)
Will logs the hyper-parameter train_batch_size
- name: String - name of your parameter
- value: Float/Integer/Boolean/String/List
- step: Optional. Used as the X axis when plotting on Comet.ml
- source: Optional. Used to define source where parameter value was originated from.
Returns: None
log_parameters(parameters: Dict[str, Any], prefix: Optional[str] = None,
step: Optional[int] = None, nested_support: bool = True)
Logs a dictionary (or dictionary-like object) of multiple parameters. See also log_parameter.
experiment = Experiment(api_key="MY_API_KEY")
params = {
If you call this method multiple times with the same keys your values would be overwritten. For example:
If you then call:
experiment.log_parameters({"key1":"other value"})l
If this method is called inside a context, like test
, train
, validate
or context_manager
, the parameters will be stored with the current context name as a prefix.
log_points_3d(scene_name: str, points: Optional[List[Point3D]] = None,
boxes: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None,
step: Optional[int] = None, metadata: Optional[Dict] = None)
Log 3d points and bounding boxes as an asset. You can visualize the asset with the following panel: see 3D Points.
- scene_name: a string identifying the 3d scene to render. A same scene name could be logged across different steps.
- points (optional, default None): a list of points, each point being a list (or equivalent like Numpy array). Each point length should be either 3, if only the position is given: [X, Y, Z]. The length could also be 6, if color is passed as well: [X, Y, Z, R, G, B]. Red, Green and Blue should be a number between 0 and 1. Either points or boxes are required.
- step: Optional. Used to associate the asset to a specific step.
- epoch: Optional. Used to associate the asset to a specific epoch.
- boxes (optional, default None): a list of box definition Dict. Each box should match the following format:
"segments": [[[1, 2, 3], ...], ...], # Required, [[[x, y, z], [x, y, z], ...], ...]
"name": "prediction", # Required
"color": [255, 128, 0], # Optional, [R, G, B], values between 0 and 255.
"score": 0.96, # Optional, value between 0 and 1.
"label": "person", # Optional
Note: Either points or boxes are required.
log_remote_asset(uri, remote_file_name=None, overwrite=False,
asset_type="asset", step=None, metadata=None)
Logs a Remote Asset identified by an URI. A Remote Asset is an asset but its content is not uploaded and stored on Comet. Rather a link for its location is stored, so you can identify and distinguish between two experiment using different version of a dataset stored somewhere else.
- uri: String - the remote asset location, there is no imposed format, and it could be a private link.
- remote_file_name: String, Optional. The "name" of the remote asset, could be a dataset name, a model file name.
- overwrite: if True will overwrite all existing assets with the same name.
- step: Optional. Used to associate the asset to a specific step.
- metadata: Some additional data to attach to the remote asset. Must be a JSON-encodable dict.
>>> experiment.log_remote_asset("s3://bucket/folder/file")
>>> experiment.log_remote_asset("dataset:701bd06b43b7423296fb626027d02198")
log_remote_model(model_name: str, uri: str, metadata: Any = None,
sync_mode: bool = True, max_synced_objects: int = 10000) -> None
Logs the model data from the URI provided under the name of the model. If the URI begins with s3:// or gs://, Comet attempts to list all objects in the given bucket and path and log them individually.
- model_name: string (required), the name of the model.
- uri: string (required), the remote model location, there is no imposed format and it could be a private link. Can log a single file and a folder.
- metadata: Some additional data to attach to the the data. Must be a JSON-encodable dict.
- sync_mode: Bool, If True and the URI begins with s3:// or gs://, Comet attempts to list all objects in the given bucket and path. All the objects will be logged under the given model name. If False, Comet just logs a single remote model with the provided URI as the remote URI. Default is True.
- max_synced_objects: int, When sync_mode is True and the URI begins with s3:// or gs://, set the maximum number of S3/GCP objects to log. If there are more matching S3/GCP objects than max_synced_objects, a warning will be displayed and the provided URI will be logged as a single remote model.
log_system_info(key, value)
Reports the key and value to the System Metric
tab on Comet.ml. Useful to track general system information. This information can be added to the table on the Project view. You can retrieve this information via the Python API.
- key: Any type of key (str,int,float..)
- value: Any type of value (str,int,float..)
Returns: None
# Can also use ExistingExperiment here instead of Experiment:
>>> from comet_ml import Experiment, APIExperiment
>>> e = Experiment()
>>> e.log_system_info("info-about-system", "debian-based")
>>> e.end()
>>> apie = APIExperiment(previous_experiment=e.id)
>>> apie.get_system_details()['logAdditionalSystemInfoList']
[{"key": "info-about-system", "value": "debian-based"}]
log_table(filename, tabular_data=None, headers=False, **format_kwargs)
Log tabular data, including data, csv files, tsv files, and Pandas dataframes.
- filename: str (required), a filename ending in ".csv", or ".tsv" (for tablular data) or ".json", ".csv", ".md", or ".html" (for Pandas dataframe data).
- tabular_data: (optional) data that can be interpreted as 2D tabular data or a Pandas dataframe).
- headers: bool or list, if True, will add column headers automatically if tabular_data is given; if False, no headers will be added; if list then it will be used as headers. Only useful with tabular data (csv, or tsv).
- format_kwargs: (optional keyword arguments), when passed a Pandas dataframe these keyword arguments are used in the conversion to "json", "csv", "md", or "html". See Pandas Dataframe conversion methods (like
) for more information.
See also:
- pandas.DataFrame.to_json documentation
- pandas.DataFrame.to_csv documentation
- pandas.DataFrame.to_html documentation
- pandas.DataFrame.to_markdown documentation
>>> experiment.log_table("vectors.tsv",
... [["one", "two", "three"],
... [1, 2, 3],
... [4, 5, 6]],
>>> experiment.log_table("dataframe.json", pandas_dataframe)
See also: Experiment.log_panadas_profile()
Logs all the tensorflow log files located in the given folder as assets.
- folder: String - the path to the folder you want to log.
Use APIExperiment.download_tensorflow_folder()
to get the files.
>>> experiment = comet_ml.Experiment()
>>> experiment.log_tensorboard_folder("logs")
>>> api = comet_ml.API()
>>> api_experiment = api.get_experiment_by_id(experiment.id)
>>> api_experiment.download_tensorflow_folder()
log_text(text, step=None, metadata=None)
Logs the text. These strings appear on the Text Tab in the Comet UI.
- text: string to be stored
- step: Optional. Used to associate the asset to a specific step.
- metadata: Some additional data to attach to the text. Must be a JSON-encodable dict.
log_video(file: Union[str, IO], name: Optional[str] = None,
overwrite: bool = False, format: Optional[str] = None,
step: Optional[int] = None, epoch: Optional[int] = None,
metadata: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> Optional[Dict[str,
Logs the video to Comet. Videos are displayed on the assets tab in Comet and support the following formats: MP4, MOV, WMV, and GIF.
- file: Required. The path to the video or a file-like object that contains the video.
- name: String - Optional. A custom name can be provided to be displayed on the assets tab. If not provided, the filename from the file argument will be used if it is a path.
- overwrite: Boolean - Optional. If another video with the same name exists, it will be overwritten if overwrite is set to True.
- format: String - Optional. The extension of the file is used to check if the asset is of a supported format. If the extension of the file is not correct or if you are uploading a file-like object, you can indicate the format of the video through this parameter.
- step: Number - Optional. This is used to associate the video asset with a specific step.
- epoch: Integer - Optional. Used to associate the asset to a specific epoch.
- metadata: Optional. Additional custom metadata can be associated with the logged video.
register_model(model_name: str, version: Optional[str] = None,
workspace: Optional[str] = None,
registry_name: Optional[str] = None, public: Optional[bool] = None,
description: Optional[str] = None, comment: Optional[str] = None,
tags: Optional[list] = None, stages: Optional[list] = None,
status: Optional[str] = None, sync: Optional[bool] = False,
timeout: float = 10.0) -> None
Register an experiment model in the workspace registry.
- model_name: the name of the experiment model
Deprecated - optional, the name of workspace; defaults to current workspace- version: a proper semantic version string; defaults to "1.0.0"
- registry_name: optional, the name of the registered workspace model, if not provided the model_name will be used instead.
- public: optional, if True, then the model will be publicly viewable
- description: optional, a textual description of the model
- comment: optional, a textual comment about the model
- tags: optional, a list of textual tags such as ["tag1", "tag2"], etc.
Deprecated - optional, equivalent to tags, with newer backend versions- status: optional, a string describing the status of this model version.
- sync: Whether this function is synchronous and will be finished only once the model was registered.
- timeout: Maximum time (In seconds) before the function would end if called with sync = True.
send_notification(*args, **kwargs)
With an Experiment
, this method will send you a notification through email when an experiment ends. However, with an ExistingExperiment
this method does nothing.
set_code(code=None, overwrite=False, filename=None)
Sets the current experiment script's code. Should be called once per experiment.
Deprecated: Use Experiment.log_code()
- code: optional, string: experiment source code.
- overwrite: optional, bool: if True, send the code
- filename: optional, str: name of file to get source code from
Sets the current epoch in the training process. In Deep Learning each epoch is an iteration over the entire dataset provided. This is used to generate plots on comet.com. You can also pass the epoch directly when reporting log_metric.
- epoch: Integer value
Returns: None
Sets the current experiment filename.
- fname: String. script's filename.
set_model_graph(graph, overwrite=False)
Sets the current experiment computation graph.
- graph: String or Google Tensorflow Graph Format.
- overwrite: Bool, if True, send the graph again
Set a name for the experiment. Useful for filtering and searching on Comet.ml. Will shown by default under the Other
- name: String. A name for the experiment.
set_offline_zip_uploader(upload_callback: UploadCallback) -> None
Allows to specify custom upload callback which would be invoked at the end of the experiment if connection to the Comet server was not restored and the experiment is in offline mode.
- upload_callback: the callback function that would be invoked with path to the created offline ZIP file.
Reads the installed os packages and reports them to server as a message. Returns: None
Get the installed pip packages using pkg resources and reports them to server as a message. Returns: None
Sets the current step in the training process. In Deep Learning each step is after feeding a single batch into the network. This is used to generate correct plots on Comet.ml. You can also pass the step directly when reporting log_metric, and log_parameter.
Args: step: Integer value
Returns: None
Should the experiment stop early?
A context manager to mark the beginning and the end of the testing phase. This allows you to provide a namespace for metrics/params. For example:
with experiment.test():
pred = model.predict(x_test)
test_acc = compute_accuracy(pred, y_test)
experiment.log_metric("accuracy", test_acc)
# this will be logged as test accuracy
# based on the context.
A context manager to mark the beginning and the end of the training phase. This allows you to provide a namespace for metrics/params. For example:
experiment = Experiment(api_key="MY_API_KEY")
with experiment.train():
model.fit(x_train, y_train)
accuracy = compute_accuracy(model.predict(x_train),y_train)
# returns the train accuracy
# this will be logged as train accuracy based on the context.
Get the url of the experiment.
>>> api_experiment.url
A context manager to mark the beginning and the end of the validating phase. This allows you to provide a namespace for metrics/params. For example:
with experiment.validate():
pred = model.predict(x_validation)
val_acc = compute_accuracy(pred, y_validation)
experiment.log_metric("accuracy", val_acc)
# this will be logged as validation accuracy
# based on the context.